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   - Structures
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   The Mod

   Derelict Studios

Soviet Structures

ARMOR: Heavy
PURPOSE: Allows construction of all other base structures.

The key to many successful soviet operations is the successful operation and maintenance of the construction yard. Deployed from a mobile construction vehicle, the construction yard has all the necessary materials and equipment need to constructed all allied buildings from the basic barracks to the classified chronosphere project. The loss of a construction yard can often mean imminent defeat to a commander who lacks the resources and technology to construction another mobile construction vehicle.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Provides power for basestructures

While a few of your buildings, like your Construction Yard, provide their own power, most do not. In order for your buildings to operate at full efficiency, you will need power and this structure provides this function. Using a basic field generator to generate an average amount of power, the Power Plant is crucial in maintaining manufacturing efficiency of units and structures and keeping allied radar and defence systems online. The power plant is especially vulnerable to battlefield damage and since power output is directly related to the condition of the power plant, it should be well protected at all times.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Provides power for base structures

As a base grows, the power requirements of that base will likely strain the basic power plant and may leave and base overextended and vulnerable to attack. This is when the advance power plant is needed. This large, high yield structure has multiple generators to generate a considerable amount of power. However since this structure produces even more power, it is even more crucial to protect this structure from enemy attacks in order to ensure operational efficiency.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Smelts ore into credits

This fragile economic structure is a crucial in maintaining funds throughout an operation. Each refinery will produce a free miner which will proceed to harvest precious minerals which intern can be processed by the refinery into the necessary funds needed to produce the many units and structures that an commander will need to complete an mission. Constructing additional refineries and miners will increase the rate at which funds are accumulated.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Trains Infantry units

The barracks is where all soviets personnel are trained. From the humble and obedient rifle infantry to the village burning flame infantry, the barracks along with some extra technologies can create a massive and cold hearted soviet ground force in which to enforce Stalin’s dream of an united Russia. The barracks is also a basic prerequisite for many of the soviets base defences.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Constructs vehicles

The war factory is a vital component of any soviet base as it allows the construction of all land-based vehicles. The war factory has all the necessary parts to produce the brutal heavy tank to the terrifying mammoth tank and V2 Rocket Launcher. Constructing multiple war factories increases overall production efficiency and thus allows more vehicles to be built in less time.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Trains attack dogs

This simple structure allows a soviet commander to train the loyal attack dog.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Constructs & repairs naval vessels

The submarine pen is responsible for building and repairs of the submarine and amphibious transport. This structure must be placed entirely on water. Constructing multiple naval yards increases overall production efficiency and thus allows more ships to be built in less time.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Provides radar

A commander who lacks intelligence is a commander waiting to be defeated. The radar domes advanced electronic systems, allows a commander to access local area radar HUD which can determine the precise location of friendly forces, civilian forces and enemy forces in real time in areas where the shroud has been uncovered as long as the Radar Dome is fully powered.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Constructs & reloads Helicopters

The soviets overwhelming airpower is further strengthen by their helipad, which can provide excellent air support and also provide transportation for soviet personnel. Responsible for the construction and reloading of Hinds as well as Transport Helicopters, each Helipad comes with a free Hind. Constructing multiple helipads increased overall production efficiency and allows a commander to build or replace Hinds or Transport Helicopters in reduced time.

ARMOR: Heavy
PURPOSE: Builds & reloads airplanes

The airfield is plays an important rule in the strategy of soviet commanders. From this structure a commander can access paratroopers and parachute bombs as well as the construction of MIG aircraft and Yak planes. Only one plane allowed per airfield, and if you wish to construct more planes, you must build more airfields. If an in-use airfield is destroyed and its associated plane has no other airfield to land at, it will crash.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Repairs vehicles

The battlefield is a violent and unpredictable environment and it is likely that several of your armoured units will take considerable damage. This is when the service depot is needed. The advanced technology utilised in the service depot requires no presence of human personnel as the pad itself simply repairs and replaces damaged armoured plating. All vehicles and even longbows can be repaired on the service depot. Repairing costs credits, but the overall cost is significantly less then constructing a new unit and multiple vehicles can queued to be repaired to improve micro management of a base.

ARMOR: Light
PURPOSE: Construction of high-tech structures

The pinnacle of soviet power is found within the walls of their technology centre. Although poorly armoured and an costly drain on soviet resources, the options to build mammoth tanks and access the top secret iron curtain project will allow the soviets to pave the road to an united Russia and turn there opposition into an simple mass grave.

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